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Team 1 (2009-2010)

Nick Coombs
Brother Nick Coombs is a member with the Society of Our Lady of the Trinity and lives in Texas.
Mark Foley
Mark Foley is a seminarian for the Diocese of Madison!
Jennilee Foreman
Jennilee is married and lives in Florida.
Melissa Helt
Melissa is working as a press operator at Engineering Industries Inc. in Verona, Wisconsin.
Jenny Kampa
Jenny is a teaching assistant, therapeutic recreationist, and child care provider in Minnesota.
Tommy Nelson
Tommy lives with his wife Kayln and four kids in Appleton. He is the Coordinator of Youth Ministry at St. Raphael the Archangel Parish in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Kayln (Van Roy) Nelson
Kayln married Tommy Nelson and is a stay at home mom to their wonderful children!
Erin (Schuessler) Wachtendonk (Team 1, 2, 3)
Erin served SPIRITUS for 3 years! She is a nurse and is married to Adam and mother to her two children.


MENASHA WI 54952      




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